I can't speak for the future, but I can tell you how I feel after one year...
Not once, NOT ONCE, have I looked at Hannah and thought to myself, "Maybe we should have listened to the doctors and not had her."
Not once, NOT ONCE, have I thought, "It was so unfair to bring her into this world."
However, what I HAVE done is thank God every single day for her. I thank Him relentlessly for her.
Hannah has brought nothing, and I mean NOTHING but JOY to our lives. She has 100% without a doubt improved our lives. She has changed me in ways I only wish I were talented enough to put into words.
At 12 months old Hannah is...
Beautiful, curious, bright, calm, enchanting, determined, brave, engaged, smart, loving, petite, funny, gentle, tenacious, adorable...
She is everything I feared she wouldn't be. She is perfect.
Hannah has given me an alternate lens for viewing life and the world around us. Because of Hannah, I have a different perspective on life and the future. She has strengthened my marriage, my relationships with my family, and most importantly brought me closer to God.
I've learned not to lower, but to reevaluate my expectations for my girls. Doing so has changed my entire perspective on life and on the future.
To all of you that have taken this journey with us, thank you. Thank you for rallying around my girl and becoming our village.
Thank you for cheering Hannah on as she's grown though this first year of life.
I've decided this will be my last post in Praying for a Miracle.
I created this blog as a way to share Hannah's story and as a personal diary of what started out as a very painful time in my life. Most of my posts were typed with trembling hands and eyes filled with tears.
I think Hannah's first birthday is a fitting time to wrap up this chapter of her life and mine.
My plan is to use the posts in this blog to create a book for Hannah. I look forward to the day I'll be able to read each post to her, tell her the story of God's touch in her little body, then proudly look her in the eyes and say,
"You, my darling girl, in your short little life have touched more lives than you will ever know. I am so proud to say that I am yours and YOU are mine. Thank you for being our guide on this beautiful journey."
Happy first birthday Hannah Belle.
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